Homemade rolled sausage (rullepølse) made from pork neck
Laus Sørensen
Jeg kender ikke en slagter her i Prag godt nok til, at jeg begiver mig ud i at forklare, hvad et slag er, så jeg bruger nakkefilet. Det kan jeg altid skaffe, det smager fint, og fedtprocenten er i den rimelige ende. Jeg bruger tørret løg og persille for at undgå for store "lommer" i rullepølsen - så bliver den vanskelig at skære. Men du kan krydre og fylde med præcist det, du bedst kan lide.
1 Meat press (mine was meant for pressing ham)or 2 identical baking tins of suitable size
1 Sous videor a large pot
Salt/sugar brine
4%salt4% of the total weight of meat and water
1,5%sugar1.5% of the total weight of meat and water
25gnitric salt(can be omitted)
5pcsbay leaves
The rolled sausage (rullepølse) itself
1Boneless pork neck
40ggelatine powder
2tbspfreshly ground pepper
4tbsponion powder
4tbspdried parsley
OtherTo your personal taste
Preparation for salt/sugar brine
If you (like me) get your hands on a whole fillet of pork neck, it's probably too wide. Cut it to the right width and thickness. Mine weighed about 1.6kg after cutting, the rest went into the mincer for meatballs (frikadeller). Cut the fillet of neck lengthways over a few rounds so that it is spread out into a roughly rectangular piece that has a uniform thickness. If possible, avoid making holes in the piece.Skær 1-1,5 cm fra den ene side ned mod bunden, indtil du er 1-1,5 cm fra bunden. Vend kødet om på siden og skær igen ned mod bunden, vend og skær - indtil du har nået midten af kødet. Jo finere, du gør dette skærearbejde, jo større og jævnere overflade har du til krydring af kødet.
Weigh the meat and find out how much water you need in your container to cover it. In my case, the total weight of meat and water was 3800 grams, so I needed 152g of salt (4% of the total weight) and 57g of sugar (1.5% of the total weight). I also added 25g of nitrite salt for shelf life and colour. Of course, you don't need that.
Boil about ½ litre of the water and dissolve the salt and sugar in it. Add the rest of the water, bay leaves and peppercorns and make sure it's cold before you put the meat to brine. You can put a plate on top if the meat will float on top. Place in the fridge for 2 days.
Seasoning and rolling
Remove the meat from the brine, pat it dry with a paper towel so that it is reasonably dry. Spread the gelatine powder over the entire surface. Mix allspice, salt, pepper, parsley and onion powder and distribute evenly over the meat - but leave 4-5 centimetres free where the ‘opening’ will be. Then it will close better.
Roll up the meat. The opening should not face directly downwards, but to the side, at the bottom, and carefully tie the rolled sausage with a suitable string.
Preparation, traditional boiling
Cook the rolled sausage (rullepølse) in enough water to cover it. Cooking time 2½-3 hours, it should reach a core temperature of around 75°. Some people prefer to wrap the rolled sausage (rullepølse) in plastic film before cooking - you can do this, but you need to use film that is designed for high temperatures to avoid harmful particles ‘migrating’ into the meat.
Sous vide cooking:
Vacuum pack it and give it 10 hours at 65°.
If you are using sous vide, cut a hole in a corner of the bag and let the juices run out. Squeeze the hole back together and close it with a sturdy paper clip or similar.
Press the rolled sausage (rullepølse) while it is still warm. The easiest way to do this is with a sausage roll press (a meat press). Tighten it well, but not so tight that you squeeze too much juice out of the rolled sausage (rullepølse). Or use 2 identical baking moulds and weigh them down with 6-7 kilos. Leave it under pressure in the fridge for 10-15 hours. Enjoy!