1 perforated baguette trayor baking tray with baking paper
1 ovenproof dish(preferably metal)
490ggood, strong bread flour with at least 12% protein (preferably 13-14%)
7gdry yeast (instant dry yeast)
310gwater (35-40°C)
If you're using fresh yeast, you must first dissolve it in water no warmer than 35°C.
Pour everything into the mixing bowl and knead for 10 minutes at medium speed.
Lad dejen blive i rørekålen, dæk skålen til, og lad det hvile i 30 minutter
Knead again for 10 minutes at medium speed
Transfer the dough to the table and pull it tightly into a ball. Cover and let rise for 1 hour - I put the upside down mixing bowl over it
Weigh out the dough into 6 equal pieces, tighten into balls and rest covered for 15 minutes
Turn a ball of dough over and stretch it into an oval or triangle with the wide side facing up, using a rolling pin if necessary. It should be around 15 cm long and 8 cm wide. The measurements are not important
Roll from the top and towards yourself, stretching the dough and often pressing it together. You should always roll the outer edge slightly towards the centre. When the dough is completely rolled up, pinch the joint with your fingers to prevent it from opening. The most important thing in this process is that the surface is stretched along the way
Roll the dough with your hands so that it is thickest in the centre and slightly pointed at the ends
Place it either on a perforated baguette tray or on baking paper on a regular baking tray
Continue with the rest of the dough pieces
Lad brødene hæve med damp. Der er flere muligheder:- Sæt dem ind i ovnen og stil en bradepande med kogende vand nederst. Efter 45 minutter tages de ud, så du kan varme ovnen op.- Hvis din opvaskemaskine er tom, sæt pladen på den øverste hylde og sæt varmt vand i bunden.- Jeg stiller pladen på bordet, fylder en bageform (fordi den er aflang) med kogende vand og sætteren plastkasse overLet the rolls rise for an hour, ideally up to 3 times their original size
In advance: Heat the oven to 235°C (without the fan). Place an ovenproof dish (NOT glass) in the bottom, preferably with granite chips or lava stones
Before baking the baguettes: Make a cut across them with a very sharp knife, such as a razor blade. The cut should be slightly off-centre, preferably at a 45° angle to the cut, preferably a centimetre deep and almost the entire length of the baguette
Spray the baguettes with water and place them in the centre of the oven. Spray them again, pour 1-2 dl. boiling water into the ovenproof dish and quickly close the door
After 8 minutes, release the steam from the oven and remove the ovenproof dish unless it is completely empty
Bake for a further 8-12 minutes until golden and crispy
Cool on a wire rack
If they lose their crispiness after a while (or by being wrapped), they can be brought back to life with 3 minutes at 200°C in the oven or airfryer