Disse sprøde baguettes er inspireret af den vietnamesiske sandwich, Bánh Mì, som man kan være heldig også at støde på udenfor Vietnam. Dér er de en af de mest almindelige retter og kan købes nærmest overalt, ofte til en rørende lav pris på under 7 kroner med det lækreste fyld af f.eks. pâté, grillet svinekød, syltede grøntsager, chilisauce og koriander. I sådan en sandwich mødes to kulturer, nemlig den franske og den vietnamesiske. Og de to kulturer har jo spillet…
I meget gamle dage, da jeg var barn, kogte min mor risengrøden i omkring halvdelen af den tid, den skulle have, og pakkede den derefter ind i dyner, så den kunne holde sig lun,…
Lunch Main courses Recipes Traditional Danish Food
The fish restaurant's most delicious fish cakes (Fiskefrikadeller)
Jeg smagte disse fiskefrikadeller første gang hos min bror og svigerinde, der har lånt opskriften af en kok fra en af de bedste fiskerestauranter i det nordvestjyske, og dellerne var simpelthen de lækreste, jeg…
Some foods have specific memories. Walnut bread takes me back to the early 1980s, when I went to high school (danish Højskole) in Rødding. The local bakery had a walnut bread that was dark yet fluffy,...
In my childhood, we sometimes had warm potato salad, usually with red sausages. I didn't have that dish for many, many years after that. But here in the Czech Republic you can...
"American Fried Chicken is always delicious, but I have a bit of a problem with deep frying. For one thing, it adds a lot of extra calories from the large amount of oil that gets sucked into the breading....
My brother, Esben Brøns, has given me permission to use this recipe for coarse breakfast and lunch buns. He doesn't handle praise very well and therefore doesn't need it too often, but...
Recipes Sauces and side dishes Traditional Danish Food
Homemade traditional (old-fashioned) red cabbage
I live in the Czech Republic and the red cabbage we can buy in glass jars in the shops cannot be compared to the Danish version. As a Dane, I would think that you only ever buy a single jar...
Homemade hotdog buns are just better! The old-fashioned sausage rolls are - truth be told - a rather boring and bland affair. Once you've tried baking your own fresh, soft, delicious...
If you grow your own chillies in your garden or greenhouse, there's a good chance you can harvest quite large quantities. And you don't want them to go to waste, so you can f....