My brother, Esben Brøns, has given me permission to use this recipe for coarse breakfast and lunch buns. He doesn't handle praise very well and therefore doesn't need it too often, but...
Breakfast bread Baking bread Recipes Traditional Danish Food
Homemade Spanish rolls (Spanish rundstykker)
The biggest difference between different types of bread - mine and many bakers' - is often the way it's shaped and baked. The doughs are similar unless you venture into poppy seeds,...
Baking bread Breakfast bread Recipes Traditional Danish Food
Homemade Gifler with wholemeal wheat flour
Homemade Giffler are old-fashioned, traditional bakery bread that I remember from when my parents had a bakery in the first half of the sixties. In this recipe, I'm experimenting with adding a little more flavour using rye sourdough. The sourdough ...
Det gammeldags formfranskbrød kan selvfølgelig sagtens bages bare af almindeligt hvidt hvedemel. Jeg synes, det giver en bedre og fyldigere smag, når der tilsættes lidt groft mel. Spelt har gode bageegenskaber, er nemt at…
Baking bread Breakfast bread Recipes Traditional Danish Food
Skagenslapper (or Artisan breadrolls) with fermented graham flour (16 pieces)
The method used in this recipe to mould the pieces can be used for both Skagenslapper and Artisan Rundstykker. For the latter, you just omit the sunflower seeds underneath and sprinkle with poppy seeds on top. This one...
Traditional rolls (Rundstykker) that we ate when I was a kid. The baker still makes them and they're great for practising your baking skills...